Week #9 Post

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Michael DeSchryver. Web‐Mediated Knowledge Synthesis for Educators .Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 2015, DOI: 10.1002/jaal.373

In his 2015 journal article Dr. DeSchryver presents skill recommendations and guidance for more effective high-level use of  the”ubiquitous information”available on the internet recognizing that developing the ability to do high level thinking and processing of information may well become among the most important literary skill for teachers to teach and students to learn in the  21st Century.

This journal article recounts the steps that lead to the development of the Theory of Web-Mediated Knowledge Synthesis.  The researchers first step was a literature review that, looked at  synthesis, “operationalized  in  educational  psychology  (e.g.,  Bloom  &  Krathwohl, 1956  ); reading comprehension (e.g., Duke & Pearson, 2002  ;  Dole  et  al.,    1991  );  hypertext  and  Web-  based reading (e.g., Leu et al., 2011  ); Cognitive Flexibility Theory  (e.g.,  Spiro  &  Jehng,    1990  );  and  creativity
(e.g., Csikszentmihalyi,   1997  ; Sternberg,   1988) provided the basis for a dichotomous definition of synthesis. The second step engaged ,” a  multiple  case  study  of  advanced learners using the Web for ill-  structured reading-  to-
learn and reading-  to-  do tasks.” The two steps together provide the foundation for, ” The  theory  [which] provides  a  road map  for  continued research in this rapidly evolving area, but  also informs the design of better ways of learning by  providing “the right level of analysis in order to bridge  the gap between description and design” (Mishra &  Koehler,   2006  , p. 29)”

This journal article has direct value and application to my work and studies because effective research on educational technology subjects and topics such as “gamification” and “learning management systems” and “healthcare corporate compliance will probably need to use divergent keyword search techniques in order to, “contribute to producing generative synthesis of ideas. See Theory  of  Web-  Mediated  Knowledge  Synthesis  (DeSchryver, 2012,2015). It is the synthesis of ideas and information that will be the main way to, as Dr. DeShryver postulates,  “[Add]  value  by  generating  knowledge based on the information provided on the Web.”

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